
1hr – 130CHF (In person & via Zoom)

Reiki is a Japanese technique that is used to heal physical and mental trauma, and to support mental clarity and spiritual well-being

Because Reiki derives its benefits from an energy that is universally accessible to anyone, anywhere, I can also offer what are called distant sessions, in which the receiver is not physically in my presence.

Recipients of Reiki say receiving it feels “like a wonderful glowing radiance,”. Reiki sessions can be helpful in improving the condition of those suffering from a variety of physical issues, from chronic, serious illnesses to more minor conditions like insomnia.

Reiki Classes

Private and Group Classes on request

I currently offer Reiki classes levels 1, 2 and Master Level. You can also choose to combine Reiki Level 1 & 2 into together and learn all the advanced technique in 1 weekend.

Level 1 is focused on self

It is part of your awakening to the life force energy Universe. You will be attuned to the Usui Reiki Energy and learn how to give a full Reiki treatment to others and full self treatments, including the basics of energy work, healing, energy frequencies, the chakra system and the power of thought.

Reiki Level 2

You will be attuned to the second level of reiki and receive the symbols of Reiki. You will also how to ground yourself and keep your energy well-balanced. We will also cover distance healing, cleansing and energizing environments, preparing for any events in the future like interviews, travels, meetings, as well as using reiki to help you manifest your goals.

Reiki Master Level

You will learn the nuances of how to teach all levels of Reiki for your own students, you will also receive and be attuned to the Master Reiki Symbols. You will be encourage to find your own voice and discover the message you would like to send out to the world to connect with the students that will come to you. I will guide you to define your intentions and your purpose for your next steps as a Reiki Master.

To whom this technique recomended?

To everyone that would like to receive a gentle healing with an Intelligent Universal Energy that knows exactly what to do, always working for your highest good.

what to expect during a session?

In the Reiki healing session, you will remain fully clothed and laying down on a massage table. As in a massage session, a serene, peaceful environment is created for the session, often with quiet music.

I will then, employ a very light touch, moving my hands systematically through different positions, with the intention of discharging negative energy and replacing it with positive energy.

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